So, time to leave Bocas (and Panama) and move towards Costa Rica. We cross back to David again and then move on to Cerro Punta. But before we need money, so let’s go to the ATM… ups does not work… next-one neither… S#%&T we don’t have enough to leave nor to stay. so we start seaching for a place that would give us a cash advance on the credit card, none will. Around 12 the ATM works againand we can leave (with hours of delay) so we get to cerro punta around 8 pm… tired we go fo dinner.
so, say there is one kind of meat that you do not eat (not talking about just not really enjoy eating, really you hate since you are a kid) and say that there is one word in Spanish about meat you do not know and say that you ask the waitress what it is and she says beef and say you trust her and you take it… how big is the chance that what you ordered is actually what you hate? really small, no? NO, Murphy’s law always strikes when you don’t expect it… and there I’m with my Mondongo… aka tripe, the ONLY meat I hate.
whatever,at least the bed is comfortable!!!

Learned rules:
- ATM’s do not always work, especially when you really need them.
- Mondongo is a BAD word for me
- Murphy’s law is TRUE

cheers, Marco