Almost a week
by Bérna,
at 20:02
Borneo 2009 : Diving | permalink | rss
So, It has been a week from when Sarah and I were still renewing our (now awesome) apartment in Sagogn and now I’m living on a semi-tiny Island east of Semporna (Sabah, Malaysia). The island is about 30minutes around (that’s what people tell me, I haven’t done it yet, but tomorrow I will ) and it has a resort on it. There are around 60 guests and 30 employees, so not much folk :). The guests are mainly Italians and some Japanese, the difference couldn’t be greater
After suffering from a plane-cold, yesterday I restarted diving. by noe I’ve done 6 dives just following a local dive-master to get the feeling about where those small -sometimes very very small- thingies live.
As I said before (I think) the Celeb sea is a paradise for macro photography, which basically means that anything bigger than 10 cm is neglected :)… doesn’t make my life any easier…. but today I found my first orangutan crab, a banded pipefish and a tiny lionfish. As well I saw a beautiful mandarinfish… so I’m getting my eye tuned.
I’m starting learning some words of bahasa melayu (malay language) a
nd yesterday I had my first “super satisfaction”… After repeating some words with a boat captain, he told me that I had a very good accent unlike the others… Brits
so, write to you soon
cheers Marco
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