Weel, today is mountain day, we are in the Dolomites and even if we are only passing by the call of the summits is to big to resist so we decide to do a via ferrata.
Aftre some gear shopping, we head to the start and with some struggles (well Italian trail marking wasn’t really helping us) wasn’t we get to the foot of the “via ferrata della brigata Trientina” – a classic on the dolomites. It goes up a nice 400m shoulder towards the Pisciadu hut.
Being on a classic on a Sunday in July means of course TRAFFIC, on the route and below on the road with plenty of wannabe Valentino Rossi polluting the fine air ;)
After having to walk really slow because of a guy that “didn’t notice” the 10 persons (and growing) behind him we passed over the hanging bridge ant there we were, the hut was just 300m further. We kind of run to it because we can hear thunders getting nearer. A small bite and down running through a narrow gully where (definitely not mountain) people are still smiling and walking UP… I decide to take the skiing shortcut over some nevee and Sarah runs all the way down to the bottom of the gully. Then a last 15min run and we just make it to the car when hail starts pouring like crazy… well, running paid off :)

After the Hail is over we move over the Passo Gardena toward Alta badia (wow, it looks great too), Passo campolongo, Cortina (where we stop for a beer and the end of the Tour de France stage), Lago di Cadore and finally, since it is getting 20.30 (and the world cup final game is imminent) we stop in a small hotel in Lorenzago di Cadore.

The game is well boring but the company (we lower the age average by 40 years) very amusing ;)